Saturday, December 9, 2023

Solar Star secret formula best lottery

SOLASTRY is the Solar Art of the seven levels of the SUUN (SOLARIS) SOLARIS is the sum total or whole of the SUN to 3D Dimension body SOLAR 3D is the HARMONICS of 1x 60x and 3600x as our 3 lower bodies (Mental, Astral and Physical) SOLARIS Is the 7 life levels and the principle of CREATION and GOLDEN MEAN formula SOLAR STAR is the 5 body formula SOLARITY SOLAR STAR LOTTERY is the live PREDICATOR of the sum total and specific time place points 7 SOLAR STAR points are the SOLARIS of the 7 life level degrees 7 Star points and the conjunction exact and trine and zero points and the cross or modes with the final result of sum cluster modes and most dynamic (COMBINE) USING the 7x2 levels of the SUN for both horizontal and vertical (celestial longitiude / latitude) and the 7 planets along with the 4 Pairs or 8 special points (7 points are the Vertex Part of Fortune Ascendent Midheaven Chiron Lilith and true and mean Nodes)
ADDED the FIXED STAR POINTS and the LIVE STAR DEGREES and distance from the SUN or brightest number in order 1 to 60 AS to these points of the SUN - A first degrees included are the 5 GODZ which have 4D dimensions of positions of our SUN as GALACTIC CENTER, (GT) GREAT ATTRACTOR (GA) AND MESSIAH (Messier virgo local cluster) and also ANDROMEDA (Closets Galaxy) and the SYLVIA (Partnering Galaxies to GTC and GPA)
There is a coded sign icon and 2 letter designation for every position Goal of SOLAR STAR LOTTERY is to build a Nutron Trust (Bank non-interest project) Goal is both financial independence and the sanctuary or inclusion of economy and true purpose 7 STAR POINTS are the SOLARIS 7 sums to the 360th degree of each by sign and degree We use the degrees as they are presented in the local sun system of Astrology
SOLARIS formula golden mean includes the 3 sun points and the 3 Sums and Sum TOTAL (SUN-I) of HARMONICS A B AND D SOLAR sun points are1ST (SUN-A) 60TH (SUN-O) and 3600 (SUN-L) as HARMONICS (A B D) 6 SUN POINTS are longitude SA SO SL and latitude SD SC SK of these harmonics and the 5 MAJOR HARMONICS OF THE SUN (1, 60, 30, 12, AND 5 ) HRXMS 7 SUNS are the S 1 O 2 L 4 as primes in 3Dimension for every position planet deg points and the SUMS are SO SL OL as the 3rd 5th and 6th dimension (life levels) and the S+O+L is the SOLAR SUUM or SUM TOTAL = SOLARIS or SUN-Z point
The same can be done for the SOLAR DECK of Celestial Latitiude as points D C K and the DC CK and DK and the SUM DCK-I of SOLARIS DCK This is the SOLAR ARC of the SOLARITY SOLAR SUUN and SOLAR URTH UNIVERSIS SOLASTRY is the SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAC and the 28/13 SUMERIAN SIGNATURES Each position of the SUN AND DEGREES can be related to the SOLAR STAR SUUN as degrees ini a 7 14 and 28 field and also in the 60th and 30th and 12th and 5th harmonics
HOW TO PUT TOGETHER THE SOLAR STAR FORMULA The degrees of value can be coded to 21 main points and 30 major points (MAJOR LOTTERY) The degree sign and 30 degree number and its 360 degree positions These are then coded to conjunction and trine positive and opposition aspects There are 5 color levels we can apply, ,RED GREEN BLUE YELLOW ORANGE WE HAVE 2 SOLAR SETS for the local or minor lottery drawings (5 ball games primarily) and the 6 or more ball games (MAJOR LOTTERY) such as powerball and mega millions THE MAIN GROUPS are the OB MAJORS and SUN-OZ and the YELLOW (suns/solz/harmonics and can be aligned as cluster modes with the MAJOR and MINOR CONJUNCTIONS USE THE 14 SUNS 10 PLANETS AND 7 SPECIAL POSITIONS planets are SUN MOON and include Mercury to Pluto with Chiron and Lilith The LOTTERY ALGORITHYM is primarily like the Fibonacci sequence of Pairs Expect PAIRS of 1 2 and 3 numbers inclusive to find shared cluster points of connected digits (example IS a drawing with 21 24 25 5 and 7 as 24/25 pair and three 2's with a double 5 set)


winner list MIDDAY FLORIDA choice five fantasy game
SUN 21 27 35 23 9+ 48 MON 1 30zp 28 8 planets 8 10 13 6 1+ 8zp- pf 8 vx 29 asc 28 ic 29-zp
NODE 12 52 1 14 and 50 34 30 38 Sk line 28 14 49 59 37 17 51 38 6zp 30 20 54 16 29 30 17 22
A Sun i 21°27'35" 9 1° 1' 2" 0° 0' 0" S 23° 9'48" S B Moon j 1°29'57" 10 14° 6'53" 4°42'37" S 28° 8'23" S C Mercury j 8°28'14") 10 - 4'53" 0°40' 1" S 23°49'59" S D Venus h 10°37'17" 8 1°11'34" 2°15'37" N 12°51'38" S E Mars i 13°54'21" 9 43'39" 0°22'14" S 22°50'10" S F Jupiter b 6° 6' 0"# 1 - 3'33" 1°16'37" S 12°20'54" N G Saturn l 1°50' 5" 12 3'54" 1°39'38" S 12°22'19" S O Uranus b 19°53'43"# 2 - 2' 1" 0°18'44" S 17°24'41" N I Neptune l 24°54'13" 12 15" 1°14'52" S 3°10'14" S J Pluto j 28°49'26" 11 1'38" 2°45'12" S 23° 5'19" S K Mean Node a 21°50'34" 1 - 3'10" 0° 0' 0" N 8°30'38" N L True Node a 23°12'52" 1 - 10' 9" 0° 0' 0" N 9° 1'14" N N Chiron a 15°32' 4"# 1 - 44" 1°24' 5" N 7°24'29" N W P.Fort. a 8°20'35" 1 0" 0° 0' 0" N 3°18'31" N #a Vertex f 29°16'20" 7 0°17'22" N M Lilith f 7°56'29" 6 6'41" 3°34'22" N 11°54'14" N #b *Galactic Center i 27°10'43" 9 0" 5°36'39" S 29° 1' 4" S #c *Great Attractor i 14°16'50" 9 0" 38°54'22" S 60°56'52" S #d *Messier 87 g 2°23'30" 7 0" 14°24'54" N 12°15'31" N #e 87 Sylvia k 10° 4' 3" 11 20' 1" 8°43'27" S 26° 6'24" S #f *Andromeda Galaxya 28°11' 2" 1 0" 33°21'10" N 41°24'11" N Asc. l 28°18'13" 0°40'29" S 2 b 6°41'57" 13°45' 5" N 3 c 5°10' 0" 21° 9'38" N IC c 28°56'12" 23°26' 3" N 5 d 22°33'21" 21°33' 5" N 6 e 20°32'26" 14°38'34" N Desc. f 28°18'13" 0°40'29" N 8 h 6°41'57" 13°45' 5" S 9 i 5°10' 0" 21° 9'38" S MC i 28°56'12" 23°26' 3" S 11 j 22°33'21" 21°33' 5" S 12 k 20°32'26" 14°38'34" S

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