1 2 18 31 36 stars 7 and 10
Choices: 2nd cu = 2 , mars dec = 2 (at 2 zp) , uranus 2 dec , 3rd cu dec is 1/2 = together 1 and 2 with mean node = 36 zero point , true node s = 6/7 and s-jup is 5/6 of gemini and third venus is 36 of virgo = 36 , saturn 17/18 scorpio con 6th cusp 13 and s-saturn is 47/17/18* , rup - MC 6/7 = 7 sag and moon 8 aquarius node 7 sco and third merc 6/7 leo = 7*. Also vertex 03 11 = 31 center digits 31 (with additional 13 and 31s below), pluto at 10 was conj 6th cusp at 13 = 10 and 13 rev = 31 and sun dec 35 c/b 36 third mer at 6 leo and asc 13 leo rev = 31 and 36!
Seeing pluto and saturn prominent makes this drawing a challenge. Mercury and neptune square was the close aspect at 2 and very challenging, no winner probably but even the square came in with number 2.
I notice the harmonic patterns in the euro - 1 2 18 31` 36 IS 2 X 18 = 36, 1 AND ANOTHER 2 ONES IS 31. The YEAR DATE 2013 and month 12 could be a strong clue with 6 date is 6 and month 12 = 1+2 = 3 and 3x6 = 18. Really easily found in this way.
My digit choices first 001223 was close with 00133 as result, second digit 5 2 6 7 9 9 was wrong except 2 , 6 with result 1 2 8 1 6
Moon with uranus at 8 did not play (noy) * mars was conjunct 3rd cusp 26 at 29.30. and dec mars 2 with 3rd cusp dec 1/2 = 1 and 2
Yes,the numbers are always on the sheet, so then we have to be looking at the winning combinations. .......we are working on how to document this before the drawing and find players who will be sharp to use the choices they see.
EURO PL-system: pl-s digit set 32 45 28 0'19 38 31 62 with result 3 top ascendent and 6 bottom mc = 36 with 45 28 09 0 of jupiter and 7 of S-IC = 07 jupiter at 19 and uranus 8 38 = 18 38 8 of uranus and 1 of vertex = 18 31 31 = vertex 47 62 3 of vertex or rising plus 6 of mc = 36 merc 34 = added 3 digit merc is at 03 and third merc 06 = 36 row of mercury

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